JAMB subject combination for all courses pdf. Are you considering admission into any tertiary institution in Nigeria? Then you will have to decide which JAMB subject combination is right for the course you intend to study. While selecting the best subject combination is a step in the right direction, it is noteworthy to know that choosing the wrong combination can cost you money, time, and energy and it will be very difficult to change. The only option for the candidate will be to prepare for the next JAMB UTME examination. How horrible!
The list below shows JAMB subjects and combinations approved for admission to Nigerian Tertiary Institutions for UTME and DE candidates. Note that irrespective of the course you desire to study, the Use of English is compulsory for all combinations.
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- MEDICINE AND SURGERY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry;
- AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- COMPUTER SCIENCE: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and any one of Biology/Chemistry/Agricultural Science/ Economics/Geography;
- BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics/Mathematics;
- BIOCHEMISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology, Physics;
- MATHEMATICS: Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics/Chemistry/Economics/Biology/Agricultural Science;
- MATHEMATICS: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry/Biology;
- CHEMISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry and two of Physics/Biology and Mathematics;
- NURSING: Use of English, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry;
- FOOD SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY: Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics, and Agricultural Science;
- PHARMACY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry;
- INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Mathematics and any of Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science;
- PHYSICS: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry/Biology;
- FISHERIES: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any other science subject;
- GEOLOGY: Use of English and any three of Chemistry, Physics, mathematics, Biology and Geography;
- GEOGRAPHY: Use of English, Geography and any two of Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics Agricultural Science;
- SURVEYING and GEO-INFORMATICS: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics;
- STATISTICS: Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics,
- BUILDING: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics;
- MICROBIOLOGY: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry, and any other science subject;
- BOTANY: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and any other science subjects;
- ZOOLOGY: Use of English, Biology, and any two of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics;
- PURE and APPLIED MATHEMATICS: Use of English, Mathematic, Physics and Biology or Agricultural Science/Chemistry/Geography;
- AGRICULTURE: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agriculture and any one of Physics and Mathematics;
- AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Sciences and Mathematics;
- AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics/Physics;
- AGRONOMY: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Physics/Mathematics;
- ANIMAL PRODUCTION AND SCIENCE: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Physics/Mathematics;
- CROP PRODUCTION AND SCIENCE: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics/Physics;
- SOIL SCIENCE: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Mathematics/Physics;
- VETERINARY SCIENCE: Use of English, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology;
- FORESTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and Physics/Mathematics;
- CIVIL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- COMPUTER ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- MARINE ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- PETROLEUM AND GAS ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- SYSTEMS ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- PRODUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry;
- ARCHITECTURE: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics;
- QUANTITY SURVEYING: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics, and any of Chemistry, Geography, Art, Biology and Economics;
- URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING: Use of English, Mathematics, Geography and any of Economics, Physics, Chemistry;
- ESTATE MANAGEMENT: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject;
- ANATOMY: Use of English, Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry/Physics;
- DENTISTRY: Use of English, Chemistry, Biology and one science subject;
- MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE: Use of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology;
- MEDICAL REHABILITATION: Use of English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology;
- PHYSIOLOGY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry;
- RADIOGRAPHY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry;
- PHYSIOTHERAPY: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry;
- VETERINARY MEDICINE: Use of English, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry;
Want to know how JAMB is scored? Watch and learn from the video below:
- ACCOUNTING: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other social science subject;
- BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other social science subject;
- PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: Use of English, Government, Economics, and any other subject;
- BANKING AND FINANCE: Use of English, Mathematics, one social science subject, and any other subject;
- ECONOMICS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any of Government, History, Geography, literature in English, French, and CRK/IRK;
- DEMOGRAPHY AND SOCIAL STATISTICS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other subject;
- GEOGRAPHY: Use of English, Geography and two other Arts or social science subjects;
- LIBRARY SCIENCE: Use of English, and any three from Arts or Social science subjects;
- MASS COMMUNICATION: Use of English, and any three from Arts or social science subjects;
- SOCIOLOGY: Use of English, Three Social Science or Arts Subjects;
- POLITICAL SCIENCE: Use of English, Government or History and two other social science/Arts subjects;
- PHILOSOPHY: Use of English, Government, and any other two subjects;
- PSYCHOLOGY: Use of English, and any three subjects from Arts or social science;
- RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Use of English, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects;
- SOCIAL WORKS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics/Geography and any other subject;
- SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY: Use of English, Three social science or Arts subjects;
- INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other relevant subject;
- HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Use of English, Economics, Government, and any other relevant subjects;
- INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Use of English, Economics, Literature in English and Geography/ Government/History;
- BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject;
- COOPERARTIVE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject;
- TOURISM: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and any other subject;
- MARKETING: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other relevant subject;
- INSURANCE: Use of English, Mathematics, Economics, and one other subject.
- ARABIC AND ISLAMIC STUDIES: Use of English, Arabic and two subjects from Arts and /or social sciences;
- CHRISTAIN RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Use of English, two Arts subjects including Christain Religious Knowledge and any other subject;
- FINE AND APPLIED ARTS: Use of English, Fine Arts, and two other Arts subjects or social science subjects;
- THEATRE ARTS: Use of English, Lit. in English and two other relevant subjects;
- LINGUISTICS: Use of English, two relevant Arts subjects and any other subject;
- ENGLISH AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Use of English, Literature in English, Government/History or any other Arts subjects;
- FRENCH: Use of English, French, and any other two subjects from Arts and social science subjects;
- HAUSA: Use of English, Hausa, Literature in English, and any of Economics, Government, History and Arabic;
- HISTORY AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Use of English, History/Government and any other two subjects from Arts and social sciences;
- ISLAMIC STUDIES: Use of English, Islamic Religious Studies and two other Arts subjects;
- ENLISH LANGUAGE: Use of English, Literature in English, one other Arts subject and another Arts or social science subject;
- IGBO: Use of English, Igbo language, and two subjects from Arts and social sciences;
- MASS COMMUNICATION: Use of English, any three Arts and social science subjects;
- MUSIC: Use of English, Music, one other Arts subjects and any other subject;
- PHILOSOPHY: Use of English, any three subjects;
- RELIGIOUS STUDIES: Use of English, CRK/IRS, and any two other subjects;
- YORUBA: Use of English, Yoruba and two other subjects in Arts or Social sciences;
- ANTHROPOLOGY: Use of English, any three of History, CRK/IRK, Geography, Economics, Literature in English and French;
- CRIMINOLOGY AND SECURITY STUDIES: Use of English, Economics, Government, and any one of the following, History, Geography, Literature in English, French, IRK, Hausa;
- LAW: Use of English, Literature in English, Economics, and any other Arts subject;
- CIVIL LAW: Use of English, and any three Arts or social science subjects;
- ISLAMIC/SHARIA LAW: Use of English, and any three Arts or social science subjects including Arabic or Islamic studies.
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