Junior Secondary School Forum

Mathematics forum for junior Secondary School is a Silver premium membership forum for SS 1 and 2 Students.  If you want to be grounded in mathematics as you prepare for internal examinations? And subsequently prepare for SSCE examinations? Then you should signup to these forum. Primarily, these forum, Mathematics forum, aims to equip Students with the basic mathematics knowledge that will prepare them for both internal as well as external examinations. In addition, New Track mathematics team believes that through this forum we can detect mathematics weakness and strength of Students on our platform and proffer best solutions through our learning process. Furthermore, our learning process includes and not restricted to the following: Knowing each students registered on our platform; Assigning a teacher that will use the required scheme of work for their level for scheduled lessons; Watch our premium mathematics video on topics in the schedule for free; Monitoring the progress of learning through quizzes and assignments and lastly; Organizing Online mock examinations and mathematics competitions. To get information on our Quora policy and rules, click here. Also visit the official website of the National Examination Council (NECO) to get first hand information on Junior Secondary School External Examination, click here.

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