JAMB 2021 Mock: Candidate’s mock notification Slip

JAMB 2021 NEWS: Candidates preparing for the 2021/2020 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Examination scheduled to start from 5th June 2021 should be informed that the mock notification slips are now ready for printing.

Is the 2021 Mock Examination Compulsory for all Candidates?

Are you a Candidate preparing for the forthcoming JAMB UTME examination? And has registered for the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). Did you also indicate interest to sit for the optional mock examination? Then, you can print your mock notification slips from Sunday, 9th May 2021 in preparation for the mock examination scheduled for Thursday 20th May 2021.

How do I Get the Mock Examination Slip?

The mock notification slips can be printed from anywhere convenient to the candidate as long as there is internet access in the location.

To print the slip, all candidate who has opted for the optional mock examination should visit the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) website  https://www.jamb.gov.ng, click the Jamb Services Website (E-facility). Login to their dashboard with their email and phone number and print their examination slip.

The Candidates examination slip contains the following details:

  • Candidates registration number;
  • The Candidates center to  which they are to sit for the examination within their chosen examination town and
  • The expected time to be at the center for the mock examination.

Important Note to Candidates!

Candidates should be informed that they are to print their slips and subsequently, note the location of centers and the time for the examination. Candidate most of the time do not read the slip, as a result, most of the time find themselves at the wrong center, and consequently miss the examination or will most probably be disorganized. For more insight on this topic visit the official website of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Click HERE.

The Jamb 2021 News update will continue to present to you Updates as you prepare for your exams,

New Track will keep praying for you as well as wishing you success in the UTME examination. We keep hoping that you will get admission into your desired Tertiary Institution to study your desired course.

Wish you the very best in your Examination!

In conclusion, we want to thank you so much for reading this article. We really do appreciate and hope you loved it. I know you did! Share this page with your friends and family through Email, Facebook, and Twitter below!

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May 10, 2021

New Track

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